EXEC: Executes a pre-written calculator program saved in a file. All calculator program files must have the extension ".prg" The name of the program passed to the EXEC command is simply the file name excluding the extension, so if you want to execute the program in the file "sample.prg" for example, you enter "EXEC sample" into the calculator

syntax: EXEC name OR
EXEC name.in OR
EXEC name.in,pause OR
EXEC name.in,nopause

Each command of the calculator program must be preceded by a colon ":" before anything else is entered. Note, unlike calculator input files, line termination with a semi-colon ";" is not necessary for program files.
Optionally, a short one line description of the input or program file can be written at the beginning of the input or program file to provide a short description line in the table of available calculator programs shown in the GUI version of the calculator.
The description line must start with "# description=" before the actual description phrase in order for the program to recognize it as a description line.

If the executed file is an input data file rather than a calculator program file then the entire file name including the ".in" extension must be specified.

Qmcalc will reserve the following characters to use in calculator script files for special purposes: : ; # = &
So in comment lines that are indicated with the "#" character at the start of the line, some specific characters must be replaced with their associated escape sequences for qmcalc to recognize and process them correctly:

To display these characters while reading from a calculator script file ".prg" or input data file ".in", the following escape sequences must be used instead:

When executing input data files you have the option of either pausing the calculator after each line completed or executing all lines without pause or interruption through to the end of the file. The default setting is to pause after each line completed. To specify no pause in execution until the completion of the input data file, you need to specify the "nopause" option after entering a comma after the file name.

Valid commands recognized by the calculator includes any normally entered functions, operators, values and variables as well as the following additional program control and program input/output instructions

Program Control Instructions:

conditional execution of a single command.
Conditional execution of program segment.
Conditional execution of a two-branch program segment.
Repeated execution at a specified number of iterations of a program segment.
Repeated execution of a program segment while a specified condition is true. Testing of condition is done prior to the execution of the program segment.
Repeated execution of a program segment until a specified condition becomes true. Testing of condition is done after the execution of the program segment.
Identifies the end of a group of commands.
Suspends execution of the program so you can see answers or program output.
Label used by goto command.
Go to a specified location in the program indicated by a LBL label tag.
Increment and skip command. See command specific help for more details.
Decrement and skip command. See command specific help for more details.
Displays menu with choices shown as multiple branches to different locations within the program.
The PRGM command is used to execute other programs from the currently running program as subroutines. Syntax and accepted input is same as the EXEC command.
Quits the subroutine and returns to the calling program.
Stops execution of currently running program including from within any subroutines and returns to calculator display.
The message "<program ended>" will also be displayed when the calculator is in interactive text or GUI mode. This message can be customized by supplying the STOP command with an argument string.

Program Input/Output Instructions:

Displays each variable one at a time and prompts user to enter data for each one with a "=?" prompt.
Prompts user to input into a variable with a "?" prompt without any preceeding text or displays some preceeding text followed by the "?" prompt.
Displays one or more strings or variables. Expression arguments are evaluated and the results displayed.
Displays one or more strings or variables in parts. Expression arguments are evaluated and the results displayed. The output file is not closed and the GUI client program of the calculator is not notified of the newly entered contents until the END_DISPLAY program command is executed. This is useful when displaying large amounts of text data all at once rather than one piece at a time.
End displaying of text content parts by closing output file and notifying GUI client program of the new contents contained in the output file.
Displays a two dimensional cartesian graph of an expression or the results of a function performed on an expression (not available in text mode).